Imported from America, high-quality concentrated whey protein supplements. Small protein particles allow the body to be readily digested and absorbed, and it contains all nine types of important amino acids (Essential amino acid) The constituents of Branched-Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) include Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. This is a protein that helps grow muscle, develop new tissue, and repair wear and tear. It also contains calcium and vitamin D3. This aids in the strengthening of the bones. This formula helps to build the muscles and bones in addition to helping to strengthen the muscles and bones. It also aids in the reduction of cholesterol. Because matcha green tea extract includes catechins (also known as EGCG), which aid in fat digestion.
Product’s Benefit
- Boost your protein intake. Aids in the development of powerful muscles.
- Assist in the development of muscle in order to achieve equilibrium. in good condition dimensions compact
- Improves body's burning by stimulating and speeding it up. It aids inside the burning of fat body's cells and the subcutaneous layer for energy, making you feel full. both proteins and vital elements are derived from complete nutrients
- Each sachet contains a maximum of 15 grams of protein.
- Strengthens the body's muscle mass and aids in the source of power for the body's muscle cells
- Take one sachet at a time, dissolved in 200-250 mL of water.
Active Ingredients

Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)
- Is whey protein made from whey protein concentrate that has been processed to increase the protein concentration by 90 to 97 %. Because the protein particles are smaller, it is absorbed more quickly by the body. There is relatively little fat and lactose in this whey protein. As a result, it is appropriate for people who enjoy exercising and desire solid, toned muscles as well as fat control and carbohydrate without the risk of obesity. Enhancing the effectiveness of exercise.

Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC)
- Whey protein is a milk separation process that separates sugar, lactose, and fat. Ultrafiltration The protein concentration ranges from 25 to 89 %, and it's a delicious whey protein. since it contains lactose and a small amount of fat as a result, it's ideal for people who are just starting out with training and wish to build muscle. It's also good for folks who wish to put on weight.

Matcha green tea powder
- Green tea prepared from young green tea leaves is known as matcha green tea or Matcha Green Tea. It's a fresh tea leaf that's been crushed in a Japanese stone mill. Antioxidants abound in matcha green tea powder. The benefits of matcha green tea to aid concentration are 33 times greater than blueberries. Matcha green tea includes catechins (EGCG), vitamins A and C, fluoride, and L-Theanine, all of which aid memory. Matcha green tea has three times the number of strong antioxidants known as 'epicallocatechingallate' than normal green tea. It's also high in the amino acid theanine. This amino acid is also beneficial to your memory. aid in the battle against cancer Because matcha green tea includes catechins (also known as EGCG), which have antioxidant properties.

Calcium amino acid chelate
- It is a calcium source with an absorption rate of 75–90% or greater, compared to 60–80% for conventional calcium and 60% for milk calcium. Furthermore, the calcium amino acid chelate structure. It doesn’t mix with Oxalate and Phytic acid, which restrict calcium absorption in diet, in the human colon. Importantly, unlike other forms of calcium, Calcium Amino Acid Chelate does not require vitamin D for absorption. and does not leave a calcium residue There are no stones in the kidneys or infections in the bladder. Calcium Amino Acid Chelate is a key component in the prevention of osteoporosis and fractures. Reduces bone breakdown in the body by assisting in the maintenance of strong bones and teeth.

Vitamin D3
- Vitamin D aids in the calcium absorption and strengthening of bones and teeth. through increasing the usage of calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for bone and tooth strength, as well as activating the body's tissues, Calcium absorption in the gastrointestinal system will be reduced if you don't get enough vitamin D. a reduction in bone mass Fractures is more likely to occur when sliding and falling. Vitamin D insufficiency can also lead to significant consequences, such as low blood calcium and phosphorus levels. Adult rickets and rickets illness (Osteomalacia), for example.